Friday, April 10, 2009

A Little About Me

OK - so here's the deal. What's up with all the craziness in the world today? It's making me totally nuts!!!! Not every day - but some days. And on those days I want to be able to get crap off my chest. Fair enough? You can do it too, if you want.

So like I said before, I'm just your basic shmoe. Although I usually think I'm kind of liberal, some of the nutty things going on in this world make me totally turn into a ballistic-wack-job-conservative. I consider myself a "tree-hugger" and proud of it. (I've often wondered how that label got a negative connotation attached to it.) What would this world be like without trees? But I digress.

I chose the "yin-yang" symbol instead of my picture, because I think it totally sums up the world. There's the good vs. the bad, the dark vs. the light. I think we're all made up of both, and it is a delicate balance indeed, that determines which side we fall on. And on any given day, the side we fall on could change.

Geez, this is sounding kind of gruesome!! Sorry! Anyway - that's who I am and what I'm about, and I bet you can just hardly stand it - waiting to see what brilliant thing I will write about next? No? OK - whatever!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And agree with you totally.

    It's true that depending on circumstances or a myriad of things really, we can still choose the bad when we know what is good and right. Being human is not easy. :)

    Good first post and can't wait to see what else you have in store.
